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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Front end development refers to creating the user-facing aspects of a website or application. It mainly
focuses on the visual and interactive elements that users interact with directly.

We use a range of technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, we leverage
popular frontend frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js to build robust and scalable applications.

We follow a mobile-first approach and utilize responsive design techniques to ensure that our websites
and applications adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent user

Yes, we have expertise in integrating frontend applications with backend systems and APIs. This allows
for data exchange, user authentication, and seamless communication between the frontend and backend

Absolutely! We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth functioning of
your front-end applications. This includes bug fixes, updates, performance monitoring, and any necessary
enhancements to keep your frontend up-to-date